agricultural waste-grown mycelium by NONGZAO takes over everyday plastic objects

agricultural waste-grown mycelium by NONGZAO takes over everyday plastic objects

NONGZAO transforms ordinary plastic items into mycelium molds


CONSUMER, Coffee Grounds Mycelium Practice by NONGZAO transforms ordinary plastic objects into eco-friendly items by using them as molds for mycelium grown on agricultural waste, such as coffee grounds and rice husks. Mycelium mushroom grows on monobloc chairs, plastic stools, and lighting fixtures, challenging industrial homogenization, and identifying unique characteristics for each product. By leveraging the natural growth process of mycelium, the project breaks the visual monotony of mass-produced plastic items, offering a diverse alternative.

agricultural waste-grown mycelium by NONGZAO takes over everyday plastic objects
all images courtesy of NONGZAO



CONSUMER uses agricultural waste to cultivate mycelium


The widespread use of plastic, while advantageous due to its lightweight, cost-effectiveness, and durability, has led to significant ecological issues. Plastic’s environmental impact is profound, with over 430 million tons produced annually, two-thirds of which are short-term use items that rapidly become waste. In regions like Guangdong, China, ubiquitous red plastic furniture symbolizes the industrial era, reflecting societal transformation and aesthetic habits. However, this prevalence has resulted in visual monotony and a decline in aesthetic diversity. NONGZAO uses mycelium in the CONSUMER project, a biodegradable biological material, as a potential solution to replace plastic. Using agricultural waste as a growth substrate, mycelium can completely decompose in soil, thus adhering to closed-loop ecosystem principles. The Chinese studio utilizes coffee grounds, rich in nutrients like cellulose and lignin, as a catalyst for mycelium growth, promoting resource recycling and offering a sustainable solution for agricultural waste. Additionally, mycelium absorbs and stores carbon during its growth, reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.

agricultural waste-grown mycelium by NONGZAO takes over everyday plastic objects
CONSUMER by NONGZAO transforms ordinary plastic objects into eco-friendly items.

agricultural waste-grown mycelium by NONGZAO takes over everyday plastic objects
using plastic objects as molds for mycelium grown on agricultural waste

agricultural waste-grown mycelium by NONGZAO takes over everyday plastic objects
mycelium mushroom grows on monobloc chairs, plastic stools, and lighting fixtures

agricultural waste-grown mycelium by NONGZAO takes over everyday plastic objects
this approach challenges industrial homogenization and promotes the integration of green ecology

agricultural waste-grown mycelium by NONGZAO takes over everyday plastic objects
by leveraging the growth process of mycelium, the project breaks the visual monotony of mass-production items


in regions like Guangdong, China, ubiquitous red plastic furniture symbolizes the industrial era

agricultural waste-grown mycelium by NONGZAO takes over everyday plastic objects
mycelium attributes unique characteristics to each product

agricultural waste-grown mycelium by NONGZAO takes over everyday plastic objects
the widespread use of plastic has led to significant ecological issues


NONGZAO uses mycelium, a biodegradable biological material, as a solution to replace plastic



coffee grounds were used as substrate materials for mycelial growth
coffee grounds were used as substrate materials for mycelial growth
to test the effect of different ratios of substrate and nutrient addition on mycelial growth.
to test the effect of different ratios of substrate and nutrient addition on mycelial growth.
the use of plastic products in daily life is common
the use of plastic products in daily life is common

project info:


name: CONSUMER ——Coffee grounds mycelium practice
designer: NONGZAO | @nongzao.official
design team: Gang Xv, Yatu Tan, Lili Liang, Zixin He



designboom has received this project from our DIY submissions feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.


edited by: thomai tsimpou | designboom

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chair design (670)

lighting design (508)

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monobloc plastic chair (3)

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